The embryo transfer process.

It all starts with creating an embryo. There are many questions as to how this happens. Fortunately, we have 40 years experience helping create families, and are always available to address your questions and provide information about what happens and when it happens.

Much more than a match

Ultimately, when you partner with us, your surrogacy fees give you access to more than just a great surrogate-parent match. You also benefit from our vast experience, support systems, national size, and a long track record of creating families.

Working toward transfer

Not all steps of the transfer process are medical in nature. There are other requirements that must be met along the way as part of the transfer.

Medical Approval

IVF doctor completes final screening of surrogate and prepares for embryo transfer.

Complete Legal Contracts

Complete legal contracts between intended parents and surrogate. Discuss medical insurance for your newborn with your attorney.

Fund balance of trust account

Review your final cost sheet for expected expenses, and fund your trust account.

Embryo Transfer

We will work with your IVF clinic to organize the medical needs for a successful embryo transfer.


It often takes one or more embryo transfers before a positive test, but once it comes it's a day to celebrate. The second phase of your journey starts now.

Egg donation for a healthy baby

CSP supports both women and men on their path to parenthood. Egg donation is often part of this path. Together, egg donation and surrogacy offer hope for many people who simply want the chance to at last bring a baby home. Intended parents might require the use of donor eggs for several reasons.

Same-sex male couples
We support all same-sex male couples and single men using egg donation as part of their surrogacy journey.

Females over age 35
Females over 35 with poor quality eggs or low ovarian reserve might need to work with their doctor to consider donor eggs. An ultrasound and blood test can confirm if they are a good candidate for using a egg donor.

Recurrent failed IVF

Donor eggs may be considered for parents who have had difficulty conceiving or maintaining a pregnancy, either due to miscarriages or failed cycles of IVF.

Cancer survivors
For some females, cancer or cancer treatment can result in the loss of the ovaries or reproductive function. In these circumstances, donor eggs make motherhood possible.

Deciding to use donor eggs

Selection of a donor agency
There are many options for choosing egg donor agencies. You can choose fresh or frozen donors. It’s important to speak with your doctor to decide which one is best for you. Often you can browse the agencies’ donor database and decide which one is the best fit for you. Most agencies will provide a free consultation to help you decide if they are the right fit for you.

Selection of an egg donor
It’s beneficial to discuss what is important to you and in a donor. While looks are important, it is often easier to look at values and traits that are important to you or that you would like to see instilled in your child. This will help narrow the search. Here at CSP we feel it is important to look at proven, successful donors. That means a donor has done a cycle before and a previous cycle has resulted in a successful pregnancy and birth. We like to minimize risk, and this is one way to do that.

Process with your donor
You will complete legal contracts with the help of your donor agency. Once legal has been completed the donor will see your fertility doctor for screening and retrieval. We recommend you have your donor see your Reproductive Endocrinologist so that they have the full scope of your fertility journey. They will also advise you of the different testing available to you for your embryos. Some of these tests look for genetic abnormalities, which also reveals the gender of each embryo. It will allow you to know which ones are the strongest and healthiest.

Transferring the embryo
Prior to your surrogate’s transfer date you will discuss which embryo you want to transfer to your surrogate. Your embryo or embryos will be thawed out and transferred into the surrogate’s uterus. After the transfer it will take a few weeks before a pregnancy test is administered via bloodwork. You may also have your surrogate test at home, but as a reminder, a positive home test does not mean a totally successful transfer. Once you receive a positive blood test, they will take one more, then schedule your ultrasound to confirm heartbeat.