To ensure the process goes as smooth as possible, we require medical records and evaluations for each hopeful surrogate.
Prenatal and delivery records from all previous pregnancies When you get matched with hopeful parents, their fertility doctor will want to have these records as soon as possible. We request these records during the application process to prevent delays.
Medical evaluation form with initial paperwork This document is an important component of your surrogate medical screening. It confirms that your personal doctor has cleared you to become pregnant again.
Date of last menstrual cycle We will ask you to note the first day of your last period, as well as any cycle irregularities. The IVF nurses at the fertility clinic will need this information to determine when you will begin certain medications.
Results from a current Pap smear These results must be negative or within normal limits. If your most recent Pap smear was abnormal, we’ll need documentation of follow-up care, which might consist of a colposcopy, LEEP, or a doctor’s note.
Blood and urine screening CSP will provide you and your partner with lab orders to take to a local lab for social disease testing. This will include testing for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, CMV, GC, and chlamydia. You will also receive screening for drugs and nicotine. After we receive your records and test results, we will forward them to the fertility clinic for review. If there are no concerns, they will schedule the next phase of your surrogate medical screening.
Additional testing you may need During your initial appointment at the fertility clinic the physician may request additional blood tests. In addition, the doctor might do an ultrasound or an exam to check for fibroids, polyps, or scar tissue. If everything looks good, you will receive medical clearance to take the next steps towards surrogacy.